What are Whoops Products?

Some product listing contain Whoops items. These items contain small defects, mistakes, or other qualities that resulted in the item not being listed regularly. All of our Whoops items come at a discounted rate. The below listing contains the descriptions for various Whoops listings:

Whoops Bonnet A: These bonnets are slightly smaller in size. Although they will still fit some newborns, they are smaller in one way or another than our regular bonnets. Our in-house photographer uses these bonnets for preemies and other small babies. 

Whoops Bonnet B: These bonnets are slightly larger in size. Although they will still fit some newborns, they are larger in one way or another than our regular bonnets. Our in-house photographer uses these bonnets for larger babies (e.g. over 10lbs) and babies outside the 'typical' newborn age (e.g. 2+ months). 

Whoops Pants A: These pants are slightly smaller in size. Although they will still fit some newborns, they are smaller in one way or another than our regular pants. Our in-house photographer uses these pants for preemies and other small babies or for babies not wearing a diaper under the pants. 

Please Note: Above the outlined details, I am unable to tell you exactly what kind of imperfection to expect.